We Are Currently in Testing

Classes are Reservation Only

We are excited to announce that we are currently in the testing phase for this program. During this period, classes will be available by reservation only. This exclusive access allows us to fine-tune the program and ensure the best experience for our participants.

Once testing is complete, this program will be available at an additional charge. Here’s why you won’t want to miss out:

  • Exclusive Access: Be among the first to experience our new program.
  • Tailored Experience: Enjoy personalized attention and customized sessions.
  • Future Benefits: Lock in your spot now and enjoy priority access once the program launches officially.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of something powerful. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards an enhanced experience.


Welcome to Space Coast TAC-FIT

Prepare for anything, perform at your best, and prevail over challenges. Space Coast TAC-FIT's training philosophy is designed to develop your physical, mental, and tactical abilities through a structured regimen of preparation, performance, and prevailing.

Our Philosophy – Prepare, Perform, Prevail

Prepare: At Space Coast TAC-FIT, we believe that the foundation of success in any tactical scenario lies in rigorous preparation. Our programs focus on building a solid base in physical fitness,combat techniques, and fostering a resilient mindset. Our approach ensures that you are always ready, whether it’s a routine drill or a high-stakes situation.

Perform: Performance at Space Coast TAC-FIT goes beyond simple execution. It's about applying what you've learned with precision and confidence. Our realistic, high-intensity training environment is designed to simulate real-world scenarios, helping you to sharpen your skills under pressure. Guided by expert instructors, you will learn to make each move count, ensuring peak performance every time.

Prevail: The ultimate goal of our training is not merely to perform well but to prevail in any situation. The skills and confidence you develop with us empower you to overcome both physical confrontations and personal challenges. We train you not just to survive, but to thrive and emerge victorious, no matter the circumstances.


The TAC-FIT Mindset – Clarity, Commitment, Conquest

Clarity: Developing a tactical mindset starts with clear thinking. We train you to understand your goals and focus sharply on achieving them, enhancing your situational awareness and decision-making skills.

Commitment: Our training demands commitment—not just in the gym but in all aspects of life. This continuous effort and discipline are what prepare you for the rigors of tactical challenges, supported by a community that values dedication and resilience.

Conquest: With a clear mind and a committed heart, conquering your challenges is the next step. It’s about exceeding your limits and achieving new levels of personal excellence. At Space Coast TAC-FIT, conquering means mastering the skills to handle any situation effectively and with confidence.

Join Us

Ready to take your tactical training to the next level? Join Space Coast TAC-FIT today and start your journey from preparation to conquest. Let us help you build the strength, skills, and mindset to face any challenge that comes your way.


Upcoming Events at Space Coast TAC-FIT

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